Plants: filtration, compound acids neutralization
Sector: foundry, refinery
Location: Italy
Guaranteed emissions:
Dust < 5mg/Nm3, HF< 1 mg/Nm3, HCl < 5 mg/Nm3

The plant in subject is realized for an Italian foundry specialising in the production of aluminium alloys and treats the flue gas from a reverbetory aluminium scrap melting furnace.
The old filtration system was obsolete and had problems of clogging and deterioration due to condensate formation.
The main difficulty was a very limited space for installation and manoeuvring with a very short production downtime for dismantling the old system and assembling the new one.
TVT has designed and realised a gas treatment plant consisting of a axial cyclone, a basic reagent storage, dosing and injection system, and a bag filter with compartmentalisation to ensure access for maintenance during operation.
The plant is designed to treat the flow rate of 110,000 m3/h at a working temperature of 155 °C. The filter body is made of CORTEN-A steel and complete of thermal insulation with mineral wool to prevent any condensation formation.
The entire plant is designed for fully automatic use and equipped with an electrical control panel complete with a man-machine interface panel.