Plants: gas treatment, wet scrubbing
Sector: foundry
Location: North Macedonia

The plant object of this case story is realized for a new foundry in North Macedonia and treats gas from two core shooting machines.
The operation of the shooting machines produces gaseous, foul-smelling emissions laden with amines that are particularly harmful to humans and the working environment.
For the treatment of amine compounds, TVT implemented a wet filtration system with a vertical scrubber, made of adeguate material, with an automatic sulphuric acid dosing system.
The plant is essentially made up of two sections : the first is a wet treatment of the gas inside a scrubber tower, while the second consists of the neutralization of the exhaust washing liquid, including pH adjustment, salt decantation and the liquid storage.
The plant is equipped with the automatic dosing system of sulphuric acid from the external tank and the pH measurement system of the washing liquid inside the scrubber. The automatic bottom drain sends the exhaust liquid to the neutralization section.
The second stage of the system, consisting of a storage tank and automatic dosing system for caustic soda, is designed to manage the exhaust washing solution discharged by the scrubber in order to bring the pH at 7 for easier disposal.